IBM Hardware Management Console (HMC)

.: AIX Hardware Installation Using HMC CLI :.

1. Log in to the HMC
> ssh hscroot@hmc

2. Identify the Managed System were you need to work:
> lssyscfg -r sys -F name

3. Verify the Managed System status:
> lssyscfg -m "managed-system" -r sys -F name:state

4. Verify the status of the LPARs on the Managed System:
> lssyscfg -m "managed-system" -r lpar -F name:state

5. List processors, memory and IO on HMC managed system (system/lpar)
> MEM: lshwres -r mem -m "managed-system" --level sys ; lshwres -r mem -m "managed-system" --level lpar
> PROC: lshwres -r proc -m "managed-system" --level sys ; lshwres -r proc -m "managed-system" --level lpar
> IO: lshwres -r io --rsubtype slot -m "managed-system" -F "description,lpar_name" ; lshwres -r io -m "managed-system" --level lpar

6. Take a profile backup
> mksyscfg -r prof -m "managed-system" -o save -p "lpar" -n newProfile
Then you can see new profile from GUI or command line.
> lssyscfg -r prof -m "managed-system" --filter lpar_names="lpar"

7. Shutdown an LPAR using the operating system:
> chsysstate -m  "managed-system" -r "lpar" -n "partition-name" -o shutdown

8. Verify the status of the LPARs on the Managed System:
> lssyscfg -m "managed-system" -r lpar -F name:state

9. Power off a managed system (all the LPARs need to be down):
> chsysstate -m "managed-system" -r sys -o off

10. Verify the Managed System status:
> lssyscfg -m "managed-system" -r sys -F name:state

11. Install Hardware:

12. Power on a managed system:
> chsysstate -m managed-system -r sys -o on

13. List processors, memory and IO on HMC managed system (system/lpar) to validate.
> MEM: lshwres -r mem -m "managed-system" --level sys ; lshwres -r mem -m "managed-system" --level lpar
> PROC: lshwres -r proc -m "managed-system" --level sys ; lshwres -r proc -m "managed-system" --level lpar
> IO: lshwres -r io --rsubtype slot -m "managed-system" -F "description,lpar_name" ; lshwres -r io -m "managed-system" --level lpar

14. Assign the resources to the profile
> MEM: chsyscfg -r prof -m  "managed-system" -i "name=$profile1,lpar_name=$partition3,min_mem=X,desired_mem=X,max_mem=X"
> PROC: chsyscfg -r prof -m  "managed-system" -i "name=$profile1,lpar_name=$partition3,min_procs-=X,desired_procs-=X,max_procs-=X"
> IO: chhwres -r io -m <managed system>o a -p <partition name> -l <DRC index> (DLPAR)

15. Activate an LPAR:
chsysstate -m  "managed-system" -r "lpar" -n "partition-name" -o on

16. Verify the status of the LPARs on the Managed System:
> lssyscfg -m "managed-system" -r lpar -F name:state

17. Exit

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