IBM General Parallel File System (GPFS)


The General Parallel File System (GPFS) is a high-performance clustered file system developed by IBM. It can be deployed in shared-disk or shared-nothing distributed parallel modes. It is used by many of the world's largest commercial companies, as well as some of the supercomputers on the Top 500 List. For example, GPFS was the filesystem of the ASC Purple Supercomputer which was composed of more than 12,000 processors and has 2 petabytes of total disk storage spanning more than 11,000 disks.

In common with typical cluster filesystems, GPFS provides concurrent high-speed file access to applications executing on multiple nodes of clusters. It can be used with AIX 5L clusters, Linux clusters, on Microsoft Windows Server, or a heterogeneous cluster of AIX, Linux and Windows nodes. In addition to providing filesystem storage capabilities, GPFS provides tools for management and administration of the GPFS cluster and allows for shared access to file systems from remote GPFS clusters.+

GPFS has been available on IBM's AIX since 1998, on Linux since 2001, and on Windows Server since 2008, and it is offered as part of the IBM System Cluster 1350. The most recent release of GPFS 3.5 offers Active File Management to enable asynchronous access and control of local and remote files, thus allowing for global file collaboration.

Below you'll find a complete list of all the GPFS commands, the same are located under /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin, enjoy!

Working with the Cluster

mmcrclusterCreates GPFS Cluster

Usage: mmcrfs Device {″DiskDesc[;DiskDesc...]″ | -F DescFile} [-A {yes | no | automount}] [-D {nfs4 | posix}] [-B BlockSize] [-E {yes | no}] [-j {cluster | scatter}] [-k {posix | nfs4 | all}] [-K {no | whenpossible | always}] [-L LogFileSize] [-m DefaultMetadataReplicas] [-M MaxMetadataReplicas] [-n NumNodes] [-N NumInodes[:NumInodesToPreallocate]] [-Q {yes | no}] [-r DefaultDataReplicas] [-R MaxDataReplicas] [-S {yes | no}] [-t DriveLetter] [-T MountPoint] [-v {yes | no}] [-z {yes | no}] [--version Version]
mmlsclusterDisplays GPFS cluster configuration information

Usage: mmlscluster [--cnfs]
mmlsconfigDisplays the configuration data for a GPFS cluster

Usage: mmlsconfig <attribute>
mmgetstateDisplays the state of the GPFS daemon on one or more nodes

Usage: mmgetstate [-L] [-s] [-v] [-a | -N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}]
mmaddnodeAdds nodes to a GPFS cluster

Usage: mmaddnode -N {NodeDesc[,NodeDesc...] | NodeFile}
mmchlicenseDesignates appropriate GPFS licenses

Usage: mmchlicense {server | client} [--accept] -N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}
mmlslicenseDisplays information about the GPFS node licensing designation.

Usage: mmlslicense [-L]
mmchnodeChanges node attributes

Usage: mmchnode change-options -N{Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass} Or,
Usage: mmchnode {-S Filename | --spec-file=Filename}
mmdelnodeDeletes nodes from a GPFS cluster

Usage: mmdelnode {-a | -N Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}
mmchcluster or mmchconfigChanges the GPFS cluster configuration data
mmlsmgrDisplays the file system manager node

Usage: mmlsmgr [Device [Device...]] Or,Usage: mmlsmgr -C ClusterName Or,Usage: mmlsmgr -c
mmchmgrChanges the file system manager node

Usage: mmchmgr {Device | -c} [Node]
mmstartupStarts GPFS cluster

Usage: mmstartup [-a | -N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}] [-E EnvVar=value ...]
mmshutdownStops GPFS cluster

Usage: mmshutdown [-t UnmountTimeout ] [-a | -N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}]
mmrefreshPlaces the most recent GPFS cluster configuration data files on the specified nodes
mmsdrrestoreRestores the latest GPFS system files on the specified nodes.
mmsdrbackupPerforms a backup of the GPFS configuration data.
mmbackupconfigBacking up file system configuration information

Usage: mmbackupconfig Device -o OutputFile
mmrestoreconfigRestores file system configuration information

Usage: mmrestoreconfig Device -i InputFile [-I {test | yes | continue }] [-Q {yes | no}] [-W NewDeviceName] [-z {yes | no}] Or,Usage: mmrestoreconfig Device -i InputFile -F configFile Or,
Usage: mmrestoreconfig Device -i InputFile -I continue

Working with File Systems

mmcrfsCreates a file system

Usage: mmcrfs Device {″DiskDesc[;DiskDesc...]″ | -F DescFile} [-A {yes | no | automount}] [-D {nfs4 | posix}] [-B BlockSize] [-E {yes | no}] [-j {cluster | scatter}] [-k {posix | nfs4 | all}] [-K {no | whenpossible | always}] [-L LogFileSize] [-m DefaultMetadataReplicas] [-M MaxMetadataReplicas] [-n NumNodes] [-N NumInodes[:NumInodesToPreallocate]] [-Q {yes | no}] [-r DefaultDataReplicas] [-R MaxDataReplicas] [-S {yes | no}] [-t DriveLetter] [-T MountPoint] [-v {yes | no}] [-z {yes | no}] [--version Version]
mmmountMounts a file system

Usage: mmmount {Device | DefaultMountPoint | DefaultDriveLetter | all | all_local | all_remote} [-o MountOptions] [-a | -N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}] Or,Usage: mmmount Device {MountPoint | DriveLetter } [-o MountOptions] [-a | -N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}]
mmumountUmounts a file system

Usage: mmumount {Device | MountPoint | DriveLetter | all | all_local | all_remote} [-f ] [-a | -N {Node[,Node...]| NodeFile | NodeClass}] Or, 
Usage: mmumount Device -f -C {all_remote | ClusterName} [-N Node[,Node...]]
mmdelfsDeletes a file system

Usage: mmdelfs Device [-p]
mmdfQueries available file space on a GPFS file system

Usage: mmdf Device [-d | -F | -m] [-P PoolName]
mmlsmountDetermines which nodes have a file system mounted

Usage: mmlsmount {Device | all | all_local | all_remote} [-L ] [-C {all | all_remote | ClusterName[,ClusterName...] } ]
mmfsckChecks and repairs a file system

Usage: mmfsck Device [-n | -y] [-c | -o] [-t Directory] [ -v | -V] [-N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}]
mmlsfsListing file system attributes

Usage: mmlsfs {Device | all | all_local | all_remote} [-A] [-a] [-B] [-D] [-d] [-E] [-F] [-f] [-I] [-i] [-j] [-k] [-K][-L] [-M] [-m] [-n] [-o] [-P] [-Q] [-R] [-r] [-S] [-t] [-T] [-u] [-V] [-z]
mmchfsModifies file system attributes

Usage: mmchfs Device [-A {yes | no | automount}] [-E {yes | no}] [-D {nfs4 | posix}] [-F MaxNumInodes[:NumInodesToPreallocate]] [-k {posix | nfs4 | all}] [-K {no | whenpossible | always}] [-m DefaultMetadataReplicas] [-n NumberOfNodes] [-o MountOptions] [-Q {yes | no}] [-r DefaultDataReplicas] [-S {yes | no} ] [-T Mountpoint] [-t DriveLetter] [-V {full | compat}] [-z {yes | no}] Or, 
Usage: mmchfs Device [-W NewDeviceName]
mmlsattrQuerying file replication attributes

Usage: mmlsattr [-l] [-L] FileName [FileName...]
mmchattrChanging file replication attributes

Usage: mmchattr [-m MetadataReplicas] [-M MaxMetadataReplicas] [-r DataReplicas] [-R MaxDataReplicas] [-P DataPoolName] [-D {yes | no} ] [-I {yes | defer}] [-i {yes | no}] [-l] Filename [Filename...]
mmrestripefsRestriping a GPFS file system

Usage: mmrestripefile {-b | -m | -p | -r} {-F FilenameFile | Filename [Filename...]}
mmdefragfsQuerying and reducing file system fragmentation

Usage: mmdefragfs Device [-i] [-u BlkUtilPct] [-P PoolName] [-N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}]
mmbackupBacking up a file system

Usage: mmbackup {Device | Directory} [-f] [-g GlobalWorkDirectory] [-N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}] [-s LocalWorkDirectory] [-S SnapshotName] [-t {full | incremental}]

Working with Snapshots

mmcrsnapshotCreates a snapshot of an entire GPFS file system at a single point in time

Usage: mmcrsnapshot Device Directory
mmdelsnapshotDeletes a GPFS snapshot

Usage: mmdelsnapshot Device Directory [-N {Node [,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}]
mmrestorefsRestores a file system from a GPFS snapshot

Usage: mmrestorefs Device Directory [-c]
mmlssnapshotDisplays GPFS snapshot information for the specified file system

Usage: mmlssnapshot Device [-d] [-Q]
mmsnapdirCreates and deletes invisible directories that connect to the snapshots of a GPFS file system, and changes the name of the snapshots subdirectory

Usage: mmsnapdir Device {[-r | -a] [-s SnapDirName]} Or,
Usage: mmsnapdir Device [-q]

Working with Filesets

mmcrfilesetCreates a GPFS fileset

Usage: mmcrfileset Device FilesetName [-t Comment]
mmchfilesetChanges the attributes of a GPFS fileset

Usage: mmchfileset Device {FilesetName | -J JunctionPath} {[-j NewFilesetName] | [-t NewComment]}
mmlsfilesetDisplays status and attributes of GPFS filesets

Usage: mmlsfileset Device {[[Fileset [,Fileset ...]] [-J Junction [,Junction ...]] | -F FileName} [-L] [-d] [-i]
mmdelfilesetDeletes a GPFS fileset

Usage: mmdelfileset Device FilesetName [-f]
mmrestripefileRebalances or restores the replication factor of the specified files

Usage: mmrestripefs Device {-b | -m | -p | -r | -R} [-N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}] [-P PoolName]
mmlinkfilesetCreates a junction that references the root directory of a GPFS fileset

Usage: mmlinkfileset Device FilesetName [-J JunctionPath]
mmunlinkfilesetRemoves the junction to a GPFS fileset

Usage: mmunlinkfileset Device {FilesetName | -J JunctionPath} [-f]

Working with Disks

mmcrnsdCreates network shared disk servers

Usage: mmcrnsd -F DescFile [-v {yes |no}]
mmlsnsdDisplaying disks in a GPFS cluster

Usage: mmlsnsd [-a | -F | -f Device | -d ″DiskName[;DiskName...]″ ] [-L | -m | -M | -X] [-v]
mmdelnsdDeletes NSDs from the GPFS cluster

Usage: mmdelnsd {″DiskName[;DiskName...]″ | -F DiskFile}
mmadddiskAdding disks to a file system

Usage: mmadddisk Device {″DiskDesc[;DiskDesc...]″ | -F DescFile} [-a] [-r] [-v {yes | no}] [-N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}]
mmdeldiskDeleting disks to a file system

Usage: mmdeldisk Device {″DiskName[;DiskName...]″ | -F DescFile} [-a] [-c] [-m | -r | -b] [-N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}]
mmrpldiskReplacing disks in a GPFS file system

Usage: mmrpldisk Device DiskName {DiskDesc | -F DescFile} [-v {yes | no}] [-N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}]
mmlsdiskDisplaying GPFS disk states

Usage: mmlsdisk Device [-d ″DiskName[;DiskName...]″] [-e] [-L] Or,Usage: mmlsdisk Device [-d ″DiskName[;DiskName...]″] {-m | -M}
mmchdiskChanging GPFS disk states and parameters

Usage: mmchdisk Device {suspend | resume | stop | start | change} -d ″DiskDesc [;DiskDesc...]″ | -F {DescFile} [-N {Node [,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}] Or, 
Usage: mmchdisk Device {resume | start} -a [[-N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}]
mmchnsdChanging your NSD configuration

Usage: mmchnsd {″DiskDesc[;DiskDesc...]″ | -F DescFile}
mmnsddiscoverRediscovers paths to the specified network shared disks

Usage: mmnsddiscover [-a | -d ″Disk[;Disk...]″ | -F DiskFile] [-C ClusterName] [-N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}]
mmcrvsdCreates virtual shared disks for use by GPFS

Usage: mmcrvsd [-f FanoutNumber] [-y] [-c] -F DescFile

Working with Quotas

mmcrfs or mmchfs -Q yesEnabling and disabling GPFS quota management
mmedquotaExplicitly establishing and changing quotas

Usage: mmedquota {-u [-p ProtoUser] User...| -g [-p ProtoGroup] Group... | -j [-p ProtoFileset ] Device:Fileset... | -d {-u User...| -g Group... | -j Device:Fileset...} | -t {-u | -g | -j}}
mmcheckquotaChecking quotas

Usage: mmcheckquota [-v] [-N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}] {Device [Device...] | -a} Or, 
Usage: mmcheckquota {-u UserQuotaFilename | -g GroupQuotaFileName | -j FilesetQuotaFilename} Device
mmdefquotaonEnabling default quota

Usage: mmdefquotaon [-u] [-g] [-j] [-v] [-d] {Device [Device... ] | -a}
mmdefedquotaDefine default quota

Usage: mmdefedquota {-u | -g | -j} Device
mmdefquotaoffDisable default quota

Usage: mmdefquotaoff [-u] [-g] [-j] [-v] {Device [Device...] | -a}
mmlsquotaListing quotas

Usage: mmlsquota [-u User | -g Group | -j Fileset] [-v | -q] [-e] [-C ClusterName] [Device [Device...]] Or, 
Usage: mmlsquota -d {-u | -g | -j} [-C ClusterName] [Device [Device...]]
mmquotaonActivating quota limit checking

Usage: mmquotaon [-u] [-g] [-j] [-v] {Device [Device...] | -a}
mmquotaoffDeactivating quota limit checking

Usage: mmquotaoff [-u] [-g] [-j] [-v] {Device [Device ...] | -a}
mmrepquotaCreating file system quota reports

Usage: mmrepquota [-e] [-g] [-q] [-u] [-n] [-v] [-j] {Device [Device...] | -a}

Working with ACLs

mmputaclSetting traditional GPFS access control lists

Usage: mmputacl [-d] [-i InFilename] Filename
mmgetaclDisplaying traditional GPFS access control lists

Usage: mmgetacl [-d] [-o OutFilename] [-k {nfs4 |posix | native}] Filename
mmeditaclChanging traditional GPFS access control lists

Usage: mmeditacl [-d] [-k {nfs4 | posix | native}] Filename
mmdelaclDeleting traditional GPFS access control lists

Usage: mmdelacl [-d] Filename

Working with Remote Clusters

mmauthManages secure access to GPFS file systems

Usage: mmauth genkey {new | commit | propagate [-N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}]} Or, 
Usage: mmauth add RemoteClusterName -k KeyFile -l CipherList Or, 
Usage: mmauth update RemoteClusterName -C NewClusterName -k KeyFile [-l CipherList] Or, 
Usage: mmauth delete {RemoteClusterName | all } Or,
Usage: mmauth grant {RemoteClusterName | all } -f { Device | all } [-a {rw | ro} ] [-r {uid:gid | no}] Or, 
Usage: mmauth deny {RemoteClusterName | all } -f { Device | all } Or,Usage: mmauth show [RemoteClusterName | all]
mmexportfsExports a file system into the cluster

Usage: mmexportfs {Device | all} -o ExportFilesysData
mmimportfsImports a file system into the cluster

Usage: mmimportfs {Device | all} -i ImportfsFile [-S ChangeSpecFile]
mmremoteclusterManages information about remote clusters

Usage: mmremotecluster add RemoteClusterName [-n ContactNodes] [-k KeyFile] Or, 
Usage: mmremotecluster update RemoteClusterName [-C NewClusterName] [-n ContactNodes] [-k KeyFile] Or,Usage: mmremotecluster delete {RemoteClusterName | all} Or,
Usage: mmremotecluster show [RemoteClusterName | all]
mmremotefsManages the information needed for mounting remote GPFS file systems

Usage: mmremotefs add Device -f RemoteDevice -C RemoteClusterName [-T MountPoint] [-t DriveLetter] [-A {yes | no | automount}] [-o MountOptions] Or, 
Usage: mmremotefs delete {Device | all | -C RemoteClusterName} Or, 
Usage: mmremotefs show [Device | all | -C RemoteClusterName] Or,
Usage: mmremotefs update Device [-f RemoteDevice] [-C RemoteClusterName] [-T MountPoint] [-t DriveLetter] [-A {yes | no | automount}] [-o MountOptions]


mmaddcallbackRegisters a user-defined command into the GPFS system

Usage: mmaddcallback CallbackIdentifier --command CommandPathname --event Event[,Event...] [--priority Value][--async | --sync [--timeout Seconds] [--onerror Action]] [-N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}] [--parms ParmeterString ...]
mmdelcallbackDeletes one or more user-defined callbacks from the GPFS system

Usage: mmdelcallback CallbackIdentifier[,CallbackIdentifier...]
mmlscallbackLists callbacks that are currently registered in the GPFS system

Usage: mmlscallback [CallbackIdentifier[,CallbackIdentifier...]]
mmapplypolicyDeletes files or migrates file data between storage pools within a single file system in accordance with policy rules.

Usage: mmapplypolicy {Device | Directory} [-A IscanBuckets] [-a IscanThreads] [-B MaxFiles] [-D yyyy-mm-dd [@hh:mm[:ss]]] [-e] [-f FileListPrefix] [-g GlobalWorkDirectory] [-I {yes | defer | test | prepare}] [-i InputFileList] [-L n] [-M  name=value...] [-m ThreadLevel] [-N {all | mount | Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}] [-n DirThreadLevel] [-P PolicyFile] [-q] [-r FileListPathname...] [-S SnapshotName] [-s LocalWorkDirectory]
mmchpolicyEstablishes policy rules for a GPFS file system

Usage: mmchpolicy Device PolicyFileName [-t DescriptiveName ] [-I {yes | test} ]
mmlspolicyDisplays policy information

Usage: mmlspolicy Device [-L]
mmpmonMonitors GPFS performance on a per-node basis

Usage: mmpmon [-i CommandFile] [-d IntegerDelayValue] [-p] [-r IntegerRepeatValue] [-s] [-t IntegerTimeoutValue]
mmtracectlSets up and enables GPFS tracing

Usage: mmtracectl {--start | --stop | --off | --set} [--trace={io | all | def | ″Class Level [Class Level ...]″] [--trace-recycle={off | local | global | globalOnShutdown}] [--aix- trace-buffer-size=BufferSize] [--tracedev-buffer-size=BufferSize] [--tracedev-compression-level=Level] [--tracedev-overwrite-buffersize= BufferSize] [--tracedev-write-mode={blocking | overwrite}] [--trace-file-size=FileSize] [--trace-dispatch={yes | no}] [-N {Node [,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}]
gpfs.snapTools to gather preliminary data when a GPFS problem is encountered

Usage: gpfs.snap [-c "CommandString"] [-d OutputDirectory] [-z] [-a | -N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}] [--check-space | --no-check-space | --check-space-only] [--exclude-aix-disk-attr] [--exclude-aix-lvm] [--exclude-net] [--exclude-merge-logs] [--mmdf]
mmfsadmExtracts data from GPFS without using locking, so that it can collect the data in the event of locking errors

Usage: TBD
mmfileidDetermine which files are located on areas of a disk that are damaged or considered to be suspect

Usage: mmfileid Device {-d DiskDesc|-F DescFile} [-o OutputFile] [-f NumThreads] [-t Directory] [-N {Node[,Node...]  | NodeFile | NodeClass}]
mmfsctlIssues a file system control request

Usage: mmfsctl Device {suspend | resume} Or,Usage: mmfsctl Device {exclude | include} {-d ″DiskName[;DiskName...]″ | -F DiskFile | -G FailureGroup} Or,
Usage: mmfsctl Device syncFSconfig {-n RemoteNodesFile | -C remoteClusterName} [-S SpecFile]
dshConcurrently runs commands on multiple nodes and hardware devices.

Usage: TBD

Specifying nodes as input to GPFS commands

Many GPFS commands accept a node or multiple nodes as part of their input, using the -N flag. Nodes
can be specified to GPFS commands in a variety of ways:

Node A representation of an individual node, which can be any of these:
  • Short GPFS administration node interface name.
  • Long GPFS administration node interface name.
  • Short GPFS daemon node interface name.
  • Long GPFS daemon node interface name.
  • IP address corresponding to the GPFS daemon node interface.
  • GPFS node number.

Node - Node
A node range, indicated by specifying two node numbers separated by a hyphen (-), with the
first node number being less than or equal to the second node number. For example, node range
3-8 specifies the nodes with node numbers 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8.

A set of nodes that share a particular characteristic. These node classes are known to GPFS:

  • all All of the nodes in the GPFS cluster.
  • clientnodes: All nodes that do not participate in file system administration activities.
  • managernodes: All nodes in the pool of nodes from which file system managers and token managers are selected.
  • mount: For commands involving a file system, all of the local nodes on which the file system is mounted
  • nonquorumnodes: All of the non-quorum nodes in the GPFS cluster.
  • nsdnodes: All of the NSD server nodes in the GPFS cluster.
  • quorumnodes: All of the quorum nodes in the GPFS cluster.

A file that contains a list of nodes. A node file can contain individual nodes or node ranges.

Logs, traces and dumps

GPFS writes both operational messages and error data to the MMFS log file. The MMFS log can be found in the /var/adm/ras directory on each node.

The MMFS log file is named, where date is the time stamp when the instance of
GPFS started on the node and nodeName is the name of the node. The latest mmfs log file can be found by using the symbolic file name /var/adm/ras/mmfs.log.latest.

The MMFS log from the prior startup of GPFS can be found by using the symbolic file name /var/adm/ras/mmfs.log.previous. All other files have a timestamp and node name appended to the file name.

The error log (errpt) contains information about several classes of events or errors. These classes are:

Configuration Files

/var/mmfs/gen/mmfsNodeDataContains GPFS cluster configuration data pertaining to the node.
/var/mmfs/gen/mmsdrfsContains a local copy of the mmsdrfs file found on the primary and secondary GPFS cluster configuration server nodes.
/var/mmfs/gen/mmfs.cfgContains GPFS daemon startup parameters.

GPFS port usage

The nodes in a GPFS cluster communicate with each other using the TCP/IP protocol. The port number used by the main GPFS daemon (mmfsd) is controlled with the tscTcpPort configuration parameter. The default port number is 1191.


General Parallel File System - Administration and Programming Reference - Version 3 Release 3(SA23-2221-03)
General Parallel File System -  Problem Determination Guide - Version 3 Release 3 (GA76-0415-03)
General Parallel File System - Advanced Administration Guide - Version 3 Release 3 (SC23-5182-03)

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